Ai Wandering

So I have this script for making an AI wander to a random point within a given range.
It works as to so far that my enemy moves but it keeps spinning around itself while doing it.

void Update()
		if (isWandering) {
			WanderWaypoint ();
			Wander ();

	void WanderWaypoint()
		float RandomizedXPos = Random.Range (transform.position.x - wanderRange, transform.position.x + wanderRange);
		float RandomizedZPos = Random.Range (transform.position.z - wanderRange, transform.position.z + wanderRange);

		wayPoint = new Vector3 (RandomizedXPos, 1, RandomizedZPos);

	void Wander()
		transform.LookAt (wayPoint);
		transform.position += transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward) * walkSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
		if ((transform.position - wayPoint).magnitude < 3) {
			WanderWaypoint ();

Does Anybody see the problem?
Thanks in advance!

WanderWaypoint ();
Wander ();

There are two problems
first is that you are in a frame are calculated re-random direction
second is your direction should be forward in front of their own.

You are calling WanderWaypoint() and Wander() in the Update function. You need a logic that will set a new WanderWaypoint only when you reach the current wander point. You can use a simple distance check between your player and the target waypoint destination.

Alternatively, you can use nav mesh agent to make him wander in a baked area. I have written a detailed article that will help you implement everything you need and get an idea how to fix your current issue. You can check it out here: