Airplay Dual Display

I used the script on the manual

void Start()
// GUI is rendered with last camera.
// As we want it to end up in the main screen, make sure main camera is the last one drawn.
extCam.depth = camera.depth - 1;

camera.SetTargetBuffers(Display.main.colorBuffer, Display.main.depthBuffer);
extCam.enabled = false;

void Update()
if(Display.displays.Length > 1 && !extCam.enabled)
extCam.SetTargetBuffers(Display.displays[1].colorBuffer, Display.displays[1].depthBuffer);
extCam.enabled = Display.displays.Length > 1;

When a start the app , my mirroring mode gone black… i think i started well the display but i can’t send my camera render somebody can help me???

