Aligning one game object to another for base building system considering different rotations based o

I am creating base building system similiar to Valheim’s one, but I have problems with aligning objects towards themselves. I want to be able to place object with different rotation at point my camera is looking and make them stick to other objects, like in classic base building system.

I tried to determine the distance I need to move the object from the raycast hit point based on mesh renderer bounds size like below:

visualization.transform.postion = currentHit.point + Vector3.Scale(visualization.Bounds.extents, currentHit.normal.normalized);

This works only for right and straight angles, and becomes a problem when there are different rotations:

Is there any way to know the distance based on renderer/collider size and object rotation, without using bounds?

Place this script onto your camera and then click on an object to clone it.

using UnityEngine;

public class CloneObject : MonoBehaviour
   void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            Ray ray=Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray,out RaycastHit hit,500f))
               Vector3 scaledNormal=Vector3.Scale(hit.transform.localScale,hit.transform.InverseTransformVector(hit.normal));
               GameObject obj=Instantiate(hit.transform.gameObject,hit.transform.position+hit.transform.TransformVector(scaledNormal),hit.transform.rotation);

Thats not exactly what i wanted to achieve, but i managed to solve my problem.

This may not be the best way to do this, but it is working as intended.
I used normal from currentHit to cast another ray toward placeable element, then my result is raycast hit on it’s surface, then i take distance between placeable element’s pivot and surface hit, multiplying currentHit normal by this distance make objects do not intersect.