Hi all,
I’m sure to someone this is quite simple, but confuses me.
I lerp my game object to a location which is fine.
I also sleep it’s rotation.
What confuses me is how I can make sure it reaches it’s position at the same time as it’s final rotation.
i.e. I wish it to rotate from an angle to another angle over the time it takes it to lerp from a position to another.
The objective being that it reaches it’s destination and rotation at the same time.
I’m sure some maths fan can help! 
Hi, without checking the script all i can say is :
Maybe you need to multiply the rotation speed .
Example : rotation * 10;
Do not use the same var for walking speed and rotation speed or if you use, dont multiply the Walking Speed.
Hope that works for you 
But the distance can vary between Lerps; so I need to compute ‘how much to rotate’ per item.
I could just get the distance from source to dest of lerp. But how do use that to know how much rotation is required in x,y and z so that at destination I am at the angle I require on all 3 axis?
Oh, im not sure, but you could use a Loop.
In the case of using Javascript.
You need to set a public var ( i think the best way is instanciating the script)
public var distanceX : float;
And then use a Loop for cover the actual position to the distanceX.
Sorry if I’m misunderstandig You.
How do I compute the rotations needed around all 3 axis to get from a starting rotation to and ending rotation over a period of time.
Uh, I’m being shamelessly self-promoting, but this is a valid advice: you might use a tween engine (iTween or HOTween)