I’m using Unity’s new analytics system, I finished the integration yesterday. All my custom events are moved to invalid action under “Event Browser” with the reason “Event schema not found”.
I noticed an issue when I clicked on “View Event Content” all my event names have “__” double underscores at the end which I didn’t add.
Is it a bug or did I miss something while integrating analytics?
Thanks for reaching out to the support team! Unfortunately, Jeff no longer works here. We miss him! The issue you’ve mentioned isn’t something I’ve seen before. Could you send me the full code snippet that you use to send any of these events? Which version of the Analytics SDK are you using?
In the meantime, while I wait, I’ll investigate the issue on my end.
Thank you so much! While waiting for the response I brought this to the engineers, and you’ve identified an issue and we’re discussing a fix now. Thank you!
We pushed an update and noticed that suddenly all our custom events that we’ve already defined in UGS Analytics started getting the double underscores added to them and failing to import. I still see the custom events defined in UGS Analytics that should match what we’re sending, but since the double underscores are getting added somewhere we’re losing all our custom event data. What can we do to get it to stop adding double underscores?
We haven’t updated Unity recently and we’re pinned to 2020.3.36f1 at the moment. Analytics package is at 4.0.1.
Can you DM me your Organization ID as well as the project ID/Name? It will help us investigate further. The Analytics package you’re using is of course pretty old, but that “shouldn’t” be getting in the way here.