All gameObjects with specific tag disable z axis as to not fall forward or backward?

Hello. I need to make it so multiple game objects do not fall forward or backwards, as to kind of act like a 2d game. An alternative to the tag would be to have the script on each gameObject. This method would actually be preferred. Thank you! -Keavon

Try (Didn't test):

var yAxis;

function Awake ()
    yAxis = transform.position.y;
function Update ()
    transform.position.y = yAxis;

That MIGHT work.

You could manually go through and add components to all the objects that you want. If you wanted a script to do it at runtime, you could do something like this which will add them automatically for you:

//This goes somewhere in your scene.
function Awake () {
     var specialObjs : GameObject[] = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("SomeTag");

     for(var obj : GameObject in specialObjs) {
          var comp : KeepOnZ = obj.AddComponent(KeepOnZ);
          //You could probably let Start() call itself in your other script.

var zDepth : float;

function Init () {
     zDepth = transform.position.z;
     //Initialize your script.

function Update () {
     transform.position.z = zDepth;
     //if you are going to be locked on the z-axis, then you can do:
     //transform.position.z = 0.0;

     //Or you could add some joints to lock its position as well.
     //Probably a Configurable joint.

     transform.eulerAngles.z = 0;
     //Don't let it rock side to side.