I don’t know if there is a really easy way of doing this and I just don’t realize it but all I want to do is create a plane that is the exact size the texture I want to apply to it. Oh yea, they are just single textures, no sprite animations.
I’m working in ortho view for my camera so I’m only working with planes but it seems I have to create an object then try to match it’s scale to the size of the texture otherwise the texture looks warped or fuzzy. All of the art assets I’m using are setup to be exact for the screen resolution so if I can figure this out all I have to do is drag and drop assets into the scene.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can make an object match a texture properly? I also have access to SpriteManager 2 if there is an easy way to do it that way. The problem I’m having with SM2 is that whenever I build my atlases or IU play a second time it sometimes rescales my objects to a larger size, despite the fact they were perfect a moment ago.
It’s seems really complicated for a really simple process and I have no idea why…