Both my dev and production environments got whipped out! how can I restore it??
I was updating some remote configs from unity, when pushing the last one I got some error, not wanting to risk the data I tried to pull before I push again, this pulled an empty data with no remote configs.
Trying to figure out whats going on I changed to my development environment and pulled as well only to receive empty data so I opened the web console to see that all of my configs got whipped out!!
I was planning on lunching my game today and restoring all the information will take hours of work as the values weren’t backed anywhere!
For anyone who find himself in a similar situation.
I found out that the remote config data is saved locally in Assets\Editor\RemoteConfig\Data\RemoteConfigDataStoreAsset.asset
So I could take the data from my last backup.
Trying to replace the files didn’t work buy might will with some tinkering.
I ended up using the upload CSV feature to easily duplicate the data from the asset file to a CSV file and than uploading it.
I might have made a mistake trying to push/pull after receiving an error but this whole thing did start from an error resulting in all of my data deleted so I might look into that.
And the same on the Dashboard, the config completely disappeared. I cannot add a 6th file to show it, but believe me it is empty. The “Default Config” created on the 1st step is gone. I have to do everything all over again.
I am using Unity 2019.3.7f1 and Remote Config 1.0.9 (the verified version for 2019.3).
The config is deleted whenever I try to push a float value which is actually a float (with the format X.X, like 0.5, 1.3, etc.) from the Editor.
If I modify the value in the Dashboard and save, there is no problem: the value is updated and the config is not deleted.
If I try to push a float value which is actually an int (like 1, 2, 3, etc, no decimal) from the Editor, the config is not deleted. The value is correctly updated in the Dashboard, but after a new pull in the Editor the value is shown as 0 (but is still correct in the Dashboard).