In QualitySettings. object some quality settings like shadows(off, hard, hard & soft), blend weights and some others are missing. AA is missing too
How do I change these properties from script then? Thanks
In QualitySettings. object some quality settings like shadows(off, hard, hard & soft), blend weights and some others are missing. AA is missing too
How do I change these properties from script then? Thanks
If it's not listed in the docs that means there's no way to set it from script.
Define your QualitySettings from level 1 to level 6 (incl. AA and shadows) inside Unity and change it via script by QualitySettings.IncreaseLevel or QualitySettings.DecreaseLevel.
(And yes, at run time only a limited set of these settings can be modified.)
Check bootcamp demo. It has GameQualitySettings.js