all textures / scripts missing..

I’m Noob in Unity, I’m trying to build this project on Unity 4.5.0 GitHub - openpool/openpool-core-unity: Openpool for kinect2
But when I open the project I only see the pink texture and all the scripts are missing in the inspector, but they are in the project.
there a special way to import a project?
thank you

Are you sure there aren’t merely some build errors? Unless everything compiled, none of the scripts are likely to either work nor even show up correctly. Look in the console, and see what errors are displayed there.

As for the materials, I don’t think that is affected by compiler errors. Towards the top of the inspector when selecting a material, is it using a shader that’s currently in the project?

thank you for the answer
Here is some screenshot
when I open the project for the first time I have the error
Rebuilding Library because the asset database could not be found!

Then I see that all the objects have no more scripts attached
same for textures

nobody have a idea for this problem?

Sometimes Unity will lose the association between a script and the component on an object using that script. It’s just a GUID reference, and I think there are some reasons the GUID for a script could change without that change propagating to the rest of the system. You can try the following:

  • At the top-right corner of the inspector there’s a hamburger menu. Click it, and choose Debug. That should allow you to try to choose the script associated with the component. You’d still need to know which script to choose though, which might not be obvious. (Be sure to switch back from Debug to Normal again after in that hamburger menu.)
  • It’s tedious, but you could manually edit the scene files or prefabs outside of Unity, and set the Guid of the script for each component.

I’d probably just try starting over and making sure you’re using the same version of Unity that toolkit was built for.

As for the materials, just choose a different shader for them.

If this is still of interest:
Someone took the effort and brought the old Unity project to 2022: