All the text on the screen became the same

All the text on the screen was the same, I deleted and installed unity from scratch but I couldn’t find a solution

Issues like this are often related to driver issues or software that introduces overlays in other applications (fraps, NVIDIA Experience, …) Hard to tell from just a screen shot. Make sure to update your GPU drivers.

You haven’t included many details about your case. Which operating system? Which Unity version? What hardware? Did it work before and just started to glitch? Have you tried restarting Unity / the PC? Did you install any recent updates or made changes to your system?

I updated the gpu again as you wrote but nothing changed

I use windows 11

my computer ryzen 5 7500f-gtx 1660ti-32gb ram

the version I use is unity 6

I just built the computer and started it for the first time, but I was using the same video card on my previous system and it worked on it

I restarted the system and even deleted and reinstalled unity

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I solved my problem

the problem was with the version of unity, unity 6, which is the version of unity, and I did not encounter any problems with version 6.1, which is currently alpha, and I did not encounter any problems with version 2022, which is the older version.