Hey I have three game objects/Bullet Factories that fire all at the same time when i press spacebar instead of them fire individually when selected any ideas ? here is my script
#pragma strict
var bullet : Rigidbody;
function Start ()
function Update ()
//everything inside brackets runs
var latestBullet = Instantiate(bullet, transform.position, transform.rotation);
latestBullet.AddRelativeForce (0, 0, 500);
You must enable the shooting code only when the object is selected. Supposing that this script has a public boolean variable selected that is true when the object is selected, the code can be like this:
#pragma strict
public var bullet : Rigidbody;
public var selected : boolean = false; // set this to true when object selected
function Update (){
if (selected && Input.GetKeyDown("space")){
var latestBullet = Instantiate(bullet, transform.position, transform.rotation);
latestBullet.AddRelativeForce (0, 0, 500);