All Unity websites slow and unresponsive? Anyone else?

Ive tried two different browsers and I just cannot use the Asset Store or Unity Connect at all. Been this way for months now. Im trying to post some jobs I need filled to get some characters modeled for my game. I have never once had a good experience with Unity Connect.

Any advice? I need to check these websites daily and most days nothing ever works. I had to change a seat on my license the other day and it took over an hour of waiting and retrying. The scary part is I pay for this service.

Every other site on earth works flawlessly. Is anyone else seeing this?

Thanks for any help.


It was slow for me, too, earlier today. Fine now though. Maybe server maintenance. These things happen.

It has been every single time for me for months now. I honestly just kinda been waiting for others to say something so I was sure that it wasnt just me. But if everyone had the experience that I am having ALL SALES would stop on the Unity Asset Store… So it must be just me.

Anything I can try?

Sorry, no idea. Maybe try emailing to report the issue.

As I always like to say, Unity is bad at web: bad UX, poor auth solutions, and slow loading are all to be expected.

The positive is the things that face games (ads, analytics, etc), generally tend to behave well (at least in my experience)


I did contact support. A couple times. Nothing.

I come to the forums as a last resort. :frowning:

I just tried to view one asset on the frontend of the store… frozen. The backend for my 50 assets seems to work fine. Confusing.

Can I ask how things are now? Let me know if things are still slow and I’ll have someone look into it.

Just opened the UAS. Cant even get the search bar to load. Frozen. Trying to just click into the input search bar and it wont even accept clicks.

Ill make a video, send error logs, stand on one foot and bark like a dog… what ever you need me to do. I need this fixed. Please.

I typed this whole post and it still hasnt loaded. Two different computers. Two browsers. I live next door to the cable company and have ridiculously fast internet. Ive done all I can.

I just installed a Fresh Win 10 OS on my wifes brand new computer and the first website the computer ever went to is the UAS and its frozen… ugh.


EDIt: the UAS seems to work ok in the editor for me (2018.2.21f1) but then I cannot watch any youtube videos. I have been trying to spend money in the UAS for my own project and its infuriating. I just really hope I am the only one. My Assets sales have drop since this new UAS 2.0 store came out and I am starting to see why.

UAS works terribly on my phone (samsung galaxy s7 edge), and is essentially unusable due to it being so buggy and unresponsive.

Most unity services:,

Are unbelievably slow and unresponsive for me too.
In one case I had to try at least 10 times to update my assetstore account just so I could purchase assets because the form for my country/state took so long to populate that I didn’t realize it was there/required before submitting the form.

I have the same problem

Continuing on this, I discovered that I ONLY have this problem on Chrome.
Firefox or Edge does not have this issue.

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