AllocatedID error

I have a server and a client running the same code. I want X clients to be able to join a server. They all control a character (including the server) on a map. Pretty standard.
I can allow players to connect and disconnect, but if they try to reconnect, they get two errors and weird stuff start happening.

  1. View ID AllocatedID: 150 not found during lookup. Strange behaviour may occur
  2. Could’t invoke RPC function ‘FocusCameraOnObject’ because the networkView ‘AllocatedID: 150’ doesn’t exist

I’m also going to dump the javascript file in question in here, but it may not really be nesessary.

var playerModel : Transform;
var mapModel : Transform;

//add players and map
function OnPlayerConnected(player: NetworkPlayer)
	networkView.RPC("startLoadingSelf",  RPCMode.AllBuffered, player.ToString());
function startLoadingSelf(player:String)
	if(Network.player.ToString() == player)
		addNewPlayer("player " + player);

function OnServerInitialized()
	var newMapModel = Network.Instantiate(mapModel, transform.position, transform.rotation, 0);
	newMapModel.networkView.RPC("renameObject", RPCMode.AllBuffered, "Map");
	addNewPlayer("player " + Network.player.ToString());

function addNewPlayer(playerName:String)
	var spawnPoint = GameObject.Find("Map/Spawn");
	var newPlayerModel = Network.Instantiate(playerModel, spawnPoint.transform.position, spawnPoint.transform.rotation, 0);
	newPlayerModel.networkView.RPC("renameObject", RPCMode.AllBuffered, playerName);
	newPlayerModel.networkView.RPC("FocusCameraOnObject", RPCMode.AllBuffered, playerName, playerName + "/PlayerModel");

//remove players and map
function OnPlayerDisconnected (player : NetworkPlayer)
	removePlayer("player " + player.ToString(), "network");

function OnDisconnectedFromServer(mode : NetworkDisconnection)
	var players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");
	var i = 0;
	for(var player in players)
		removePlayer("player " + i, "local");

function removePlayer(playerName:String, netOrLoc:String)
	if(netOrLoc == "network")
		GameObject.Find(playerName).networkView.RPC("FocusCameraOnObject", RPCMode.AllBuffered, playerName, "World");
	else if(netOrLoc == "local")
		GameObject.Find(playerName).GetComponent(GenericRPC).FocusCameraOnObject(playerName, "World");
	var currentPlayer = GameObject.Find("World");

I solved this on my own. Sorry if I wasted anyone’s time.
The trick here is that I’m calling removeRPCs, then adding one more RPC.
That means, when a player connects after this player has left, they get one command that’s
applicable to a non-existent player. The two lines in the “OnPlayerDisconnected” function should be swapped.