Allow downloads over HTTP warning messages safety concern

Unity version 2022.3.7f1, Windows 10,

Hello, we are having trouble getting Date and Time from internet. A warning messages came up “Non-Secure network connections disabled in Player Settings”.

Should we set it to “Always allowed” < Allow downloads over HTTP* < Player < under Project Settings, with a Warning message (Plain text HTTP connections are not secure and can make your application vulnerable to attacks.).

What is your thought on this? Do most online game Dev set this to “Always allowed”? What if we use www. instead of http? Interesting enough it does work by using <> Are there any downside?

Script for API see below.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class LearnToGetRealDateAndTimeAPIUseTheUnityDudeMethod : MonoBehaviour
    /* Learn form Stop Time Exploits With Internet-synced Clock | Unity Beginner Tutorial
     * by The Unity Dude, 2023SEP26, <>

    DateTime LocalDateTime, UtcDateTime;
    public bool TimeFromServerIsLoaded = false;

    struct ServerDateTime
        public string datetime;// These name need to be exactly the same as seen on the server.
        public string utc_datetime;// These name need to be exactly the same as seen on the server.
    }// This struct is for extracting data from JSON.

    //We may need this script in our entire project that's why we turned it into a Singleton.

    #region Singleton class. "This mean only 1 time manager script in the whole game" said Unity Dude.
    public static LearnToGetRealDateAndTimeAPIUseTheUnityDudeMethod instance;
    private void Awake()
        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;

    void Start()

    public DateTime getSystemDateTime() // return value will be DateTime
        return DateTime.Now;

    public DateTime getSystemDateTimeUTC()
        return DateTime.UtcNow;
    public DateTime getServerDateTime()
        return LocalDateTime.AddSeconds(Time.realtimeSinceStartup);

    public DateTime getServerDateTimeUTC()
        return UtcDateTime.AddSeconds(Time.realtimeSinceStartup);
    IEnumerator GetDateTimeFromServer()
        Debug.Log("Inside IEnumerator, Getting real date and time from internet.");
        UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(""); // send the request.
        Debug.Log("Before yield return, webRequest = " + webRequest.result.ToString()); //webRequest = InProgress; as seen in Console.
        yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest(); // wait for respond.
        //The above yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest(); somehow stop anything below
        Debug.Log("after yield return, webRequest = " + webRequest.result.ToString());
        if (webRequest.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
            Debug.Log("inside if statement.");
            ServerDateTime serverDateTime = JsonUtility.FromJson<ServerDateTime>(webRequest.downloadHandler.text);
            //Next we are going to translate the format from internet to Unity.
            LocalDateTime = parseToDateTime(serverDateTime.datetime);
            UtcDateTime = parseToDateTime(serverDateTime.utc_datetime);
            Debug.Log("Local: " + LocalDateTime.ToString()); // Not displaying anything, since webRequest.result is not successful
            Debug.Log("UTC: " + UtcDateTime.ToString());
            TimeFromServerIsLoaded = true;
            Debug.Log("Failed to load datetime from server. " + webRequest.result.ToString());

    DateTime parseToDateTime(string dateTime)
        string date = Regex.Match(dateTime, @"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}").Value;
        string time = Regex.Match(dateTime, @"\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}").Value;
        return DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0}{1}", date, time));

Script for UI, displaying date and time see below.

//using System.Collections;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
//using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
public class LearnToGetRealDateAndTimeUIUsingTheUnityDudeMethod : MonoBehaviour
    /* Learn form Stop Time Exploits With Internet-synced Clock | Unity Beginner Tutorial
     * by The Unity Dude, 2023SEP26, <>

    public TMP_Text SystemDateTime_text, ServerDateTime_text;

    void Update()
        SystemDateTime_text.text = "Local: " + LearnToGetRealDateAndTimeAPIUseTheUnityDudeMethod.instance.
            getSystemDateTime().ToString("yyyyMMMdd HH:mm:ss") + "\nUTC : " + LearnToGetRealDateAndTimeAPIUseTheUnityDudeMethod.instance.
            getSystemDateTimeUTC().ToString("yyyyMMMdd HH:mm:ss");

        if (LearnToGetRealDateAndTimeAPIUseTheUnityDudeMethod.instance.TimeFromServerIsLoaded)
            ServerDateTime_text.text = "Server: " + LearnToGetRealDateAndTimeAPIUseTheUnityDudeMethod.instance.
            getServerDateTime().ToString("yyyyMMMdd HH:mm:ss") + "\nUTC : " + LearnToGetRealDateAndTimeAPIUseTheUnityDudeMethod.instance.
            getServerDateTimeUTC().ToString("yyyyMMMdd HH:mm:ss"); // \n = Environment.NewLine Property
            ServerDateTime_text.text = "Server is Not availabe.";


Find a time service that uses https.

Any service that still runs on http should be considered compromised and a security hole on both ends. This is not a question, it‘s mandatory to avoid http services.

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I’ve just tried to change your URL to use https and it worked just fine on my browser.

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Thanks, It works without the options “Always allowed” when I try instead of using www. or http:// :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tips.