Allow Fullscreen Switch

The manual for the standalone Player Settings is missing information about the “Allow Fullscreen Switch” option.

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Yep. The 5.6 docs and the existing docs on Player Settings are differing… Thanks, as always for the observation and sharing.

Where can I find the information on Allow Fullscreen Switch? It could mean a number of different things.

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I just came searching for a description of this setting. Still missing from the docs.

The setting determines whether the user is able toggle the fullscreen mode using Alt+Enter on Windows and Command+F on Mac.


This works, which is great, but I can still go into fullscreen on mac via the buttons in the top left of the window. How can I disable these?

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This is a known bug in Unity. Try turning off the resizable window in player settings.

Did you figure this out by any chance? My project isn’t supposed to go fullscreen and since i can’t get rid of the option in the “Window” tab, the App Store is rejecting my app -_-

We are working on a fix. As a workaround you can manually remove that menu item from your .app/Contents/Resources/MainMenu.nib using Xcode.

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Thank you very much for the reply, i’ll resubmit my app and get back with my results.

What’s the keystroke for Ubuntu/KDE? These keystrokes should be in the manual.

EDIT: It seems KDE Plasma has a command for fullscreen when right-clicking the program in the task bar, but no shortcut is assigned by default. It can be manually set in System Settings/Global Shortcuts/KWin/Make Window Fullscreen (for example, to ALT+RETURN and ALT+NUM_ENTER). Under “Standard Shortcuts”, there was “Full Screen Mode” assigned to CTRL+SHIFT+F by default, but that didn’t work.