The manual for the standalone Player Settings is missing information about the “Allow Fullscreen Switch” option.
Yep. The 5.6 docs and the existing docs on Player Settings are differing… Thanks, as always for the observation and sharing.
Where can I find the information on Allow Fullscreen Switch? It could mean a number of different things.
I just came searching for a description of this setting. Still missing from the docs.
The setting determines whether the user is able toggle the fullscreen mode using Alt+Enter on Windows and Command+F on Mac.
This works, which is great, but I can still go into fullscreen on mac via the buttons in the top left of the window. How can I disable these?
This is a known bug in Unity. Try turning off the resizable window in player settings.
Did you figure this out by any chance? My project isn’t supposed to go fullscreen and since i can’t get rid of the option in the “Window” tab, the App Store is rejecting my app -_-
We are working on a fix. As a workaround you can manually remove that menu item from your .app/Contents/Resources/MainMenu.nib using Xcode.
Thank you very much for the reply, i’ll resubmit my app and get back with my results.
What’s the keystroke for Ubuntu/KDE? These keystrokes should be in the manual.
EDIT: It seems KDE Plasma has a command for fullscreen when right-clicking the program in the task bar, but no shortcut is assigned by default. It can be manually set in System Settings/Global Shortcuts/KWin/Make Window Fullscreen (for example, to ALT+RETURN and ALT+NUM_ENTER). Under “Standard Shortcuts”, there was “Full Screen Mode” assigned to CTRL+SHIFT+F by default, but that didn’t work.