Allow one-click upgrades for patch releases

The current process for upgrading editor versions between minor point releases is tiresome. Basically, every so often, you have to go to Hub, click Installs, click Install Editor, then look whether there’s a new point release of whatever version you’re using. Or, additionally click Pre-releases first, if you’re on a beta.

It’s especially tiresome if you are working with many Unity versions and projects.

It’s be nice to have a notice in the box for a given install (or even project) letting you know there’s an upgrade available, with a button to install that version. For bonus points have a checkbox to set the new version on any existing projects using the older version (the upgrade can happen when you next open it).

It’s also a bit annoying how much Hub/Unity freaks out when a project is being upgraded a minor point version. If a project is using, say, 2022.3.24 LTS and I’ve uninstalled that version and installed 2022.3.25 LTS, it should really just be okay with that and not be quite so worried about the missing older Unity version. This would be mitigated by the quick upgrade button, though.


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That sounds like a lot of work and would take time away from them implementing more service related columns to the project list.

So I guess I shouldn’t post a feature request asking for a setting to hide the service columns then… :stuck_out_tongue: