Allowing external use of certain render features and information without stripping?

This is a problem I’ve noticed a few times where features that should have universal access end up more limited. For example shader control of Direct and Indirect AO. This has resulted in a work around discussed here.

Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion - HBAO image effect page-22#post-8333814

In short Unity strips this AO feature if it’s own AO is not detected. Are there plans to improve this kind of problem?

Another area this reared it’s head was in DoF control with Cinemachine. The focus distance value is not accessible requiring an external script to calculate it basically twice if you have a DoF or depth effect thats not Unity DoF.

I dunno if this is a cinemachine or URP issue but it’s a similar problem of the Native solution being a little too dominant.

That’s a good point. Can you submit a feature request on the product board? We review these every 2 weeks and decide whether to roadmap things.

Done, I do wanna say it would be lovely if that feature just worked off my unity login rather than having to confirm email every time :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you! :smile: Yeah, that would be nice indeed