Some people say unreal is better than unity.but i’m not agree with cannot compare game engines with their games.everything of a game is depends on your creativity, coding skills, modeling skills, animating skills and other required stuff.
If you played these games below, you know the truth.
Game Engine Game Size
************** ******** *****
Unreal engine PUBG lite 500MB
*But if you made this with Unity engine, it will be 100MB with the same graphics and more faster, smoother than the original one.
Game Engine Game Size
************** ******** *****
Unreal engine PUBG 1.8GB
*if you made this with Unity engine, it will be at least 500MB with the same graphics and more faster, smoother than the original one.
I’m gonna put the best example here.
Think about the Call of duty mobile which made with’s 100 times better than pubg mobile but it’s 1GB and it’s the best mobile game so far.
That is why i always choose Unity Game Engine.Guys, what do you think?
I think you’re making false and incorrect assumptions here, which may result in disgruntled users in case some newbie reads your opinion and tries unity engine because of them. Also it is highly possible that you’re still in honeymoon phase, judging by your join date (no offence intended).
Most of the game install size is game assets. So PUBG if made with unity would’ve been in ballpark of 500 megabytes - same as unreal version. Maybe something like 475 megabytes. To get it down to 100 megabytes, you’d have to severely degrade visual quality of art assets. It also absolutely woudln’t be faster, and smoother, although deterioration of performance is possible. Unity uses GC language (C#) for scripting which is a major disadvantage, while unreal engine allows C++ access. Which is a major benefit.
Additionally, I can’t imagine a game being one hundred times better than PUBG. With difference at this scale, users who play call of duty on mobile should die from pure extasy. Because if we rate PUBG at, say 3/10, with 10/10 being an ultimate masterpiece, a game that is 100 better would be rated 300/10, and its mere existence would defy laws of reality. (/joke).
All tools come with gotchas and and disadvantages.
Unity’s major benefit is insanely fast prototyping speed. However, when you start approaching release phase, a glitch, bug or something beyond your control can heavily affect your project.
Unreal has lower development speed, reduced flexibility, however, if you embrace Unreal ways of doing things you’re likely to have a smooth sailing till the end. However, there’s risk of being tempted by high fidelity visuals, and trying to chase “ultra high res project” when you can’t really afford the workload can kill your project when you use Unreal engine.
Neither engine is superior. You just pick which disadvantages you are willing to live with.
Biggest joke is you are with unity, but you also say unreal is the, you are hundred times more experienced than me and you are hundred times professional than me.i’m a newbie here.but remember this thing.
“If you are doing your work with unity, just love it, maybe it’s not perfect like you said, but love it.because it’s our life”
"Just like we love our mother"
When we are kids, think who gave us foods to eat? Who cared of us? Who teached us everything? If we did’nt had a mother, i don’t think we are still alive right?
And now my mom…she is not still…it’s so sad to say, and now, how are we earn money? how are we eat? How did we earn everything what we need to our lives? Yes, because of unity.
“That is why i say unity is like a mother”
Maybe you guys professional but it’s not a shame to talk about the truth right?
Love it and respect’s the secret way of success.
That’s not what was said at all.
I apologize if said something wrong.did i?
Am I behind on the christmas cider or is there something substantial here that I missed?
Are you comparing Unity to the love a child has for its mother?
Hidden secret of the’s the thing looking for you.
I don’t comparing the love of mother with unity and there is no thing to compare with mother’s love.but now somehow it’s like a mother right? it’s a mother to me.
This is very weird.
Like, extremely weird.
Unity is a piece of software you are meant to use, not a nurturing figure or an ideology.
I use both engines.
I blame christmas cider:
Yeah, have you read poems or novels? Have you ever heard about literature? If not, you are a can only think like a program.
Someone can say like “this guy is a crazy guy” to me.another one can say “he is so weird” to me.
But, no one knows who i am, no one can say what is inside in my mind.yup
I’m the only one who know about myself.
I learned literature more than 10 years and i wrote few novels.i wrote poems to the newspapers.before, i’m an novel writer.maybe that is the reason is why i’m thinking like that.
We don’t have christmas cider in our country.instead of christmas cider we use moonshine.haha…xD
If we can use both of engines to make our game better, let’s do it.yeah.
… people that can program are usually acutely aware that any piece of software is emotional and intellectual capability of a brick. Basically, in the whole universe it is among the last items, concepts and objects you could possibly ever compare to “mother”. Think about it. Out of all the things, all the concepts, and all the words - least compatible idea. Hence the reaction you got.
For example, Soviets has a line of chainsaws called “friendship”. Because reasons I suppose.
That still makes more sense than comparing Unity engine to mother. In the eyes of people that program, that is.
Yeah i agree with you, maybe it should be wrong.i apologize if it make any sense
A bot? I think you are the only one standing on your side, no one compares game engines to mothers love, not even in poems. And calling someone a bot if they never read poems has no sense.
At this rate,I guess that no one is interested in knowing what’s on your mind, not after those comments.
I hope your novels aren’t written with same english you used (not claiming I am good at english since it’s my 4th language but just saying for someone writting novels… it’s not good enough.
You should probably respect others a bit more and be more open to learning from others.
A piece of software is nothing like another human being and using it is nothing like the warmth and personality that comes from one. A piece of software is a hammer. What you have said and the way you are acting is genuinely weird and a little disturbing because it borders on obsessive. When somebody said "hey, so engines are not what makes a game good or bad, a developer is, you immediately ignored the human element that comes from game development and launched into him, saying how Unity is some sort of nurturing thing.
But it isn’t. It’s a game engine. It doesn’t nurture and instead only does what you tell it to do. It will not hug you or offer you warmth, it will not give you shelter. It is a tool, and as such, only responds to what we give it.
Ok, then what you gonna do? I don’t anyone in my side.
Did’nt say you to think this game engine like a mother.i said respect it and love it and i said my personal idea.if it not wrong to me, what are you afraid of?
By side I meant the opinion, the two things you compared are very far from being comparative. You may “like” unity, but it’s just for what it offers you, the tools it had, but “loving” it or assuming it “loves” you is kind of extra, especially comparing it to moms love.