Hi, I’m very new to Maya and I’ve been having a weird issue that I can’t find the answer to. Now I’ve probably just messed something up however I’m not sure how to get rid of this. When I import my spike animation into unity it creates all these extra groups that contain nothing at all. And some contain spikes but a different spike is not in a group. What did I mess up? Here’s a screenshot
if exporting as FBX, be sure to delete all non deformer history in Maya before exporting. Even if you have the “record history” off, Maya still keeps track of your object manipulations ( for the purpose of undo) and that can mess up exported fbx files. Those empty groups are probably footprints left by lingering history. Transform nodes can come from objects not zeroed before skinning. I have been using Maya for nearly 18 years and still see stuff that doesn’t make sense. Sometimes objects just become corrupt and do all kinds of funky stuff where the only work around is to simply duplicate that object ( history does not duplicate with it) and delete the original. I think you can just delete those empty groups from the object in unity as well