I have a material for a scope in my game which should have cutouts for the player to see through the scope, however this does not work.
I’ve tried setting the alpha clip threshold, changing the settings for the albedo and everything I could find.
I have two versions of the texture, one with black for the areas that should be cut out and one with nothing in those areas.
I can’t get either one to work:
How could I get this part to be cut out?
Also the texture download includes an opacity map but I’m not sure where this goes.
This is one of my first attempts of 3D after working on 2D for a while…
How do I set an Alpha Channel in the albedo texture?
Edit: I used the photo editing software krita, but this can be done in photoshop and other similar programs. For anyone trying to do this in krita:
I opened the opacity texture, right-clicked on the layer, convert > convert to transparency mask, copied this transparency mask and pasted it onto the albedo texture in krita and exported to project. This texture then worked with alpha clipping.
Always say how to fix it for the next person who had the issue.
And you can do this is most photo editors and some free tools