Alpha image channel not working correctly, transparency inverted

I have tried to make textures with transparency but nothing is working. I’ve tried making a Alpha layer on the image, but it just gets ignored. I’ve also tried using all of the types of transparency materials and even the cutout materials. The closest I’ve gotten is when I edit the image in the Inspector and I check off both “Alpha from Grayscal” and “Alpha is Transparent” and what this does is it makes the white background stay visible, but turns the black and any other darker colours transparent.

Please help me!

What format are you saving your textures in? As long as you’re using the correct type of shader it’s more likely that the alpha channel is getting lost than ignored.

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I’ve exported all of my textures from PhotoShop as a .png file

And it’s a 32 bit PNG with an 8 bit alpha channel? Just “PNG” alone doesn’t actually describe what the data is. There are plenty of sub-formats.

If you view it in other applications does the alpha look like you expect?

The image is 64x64 pixels, the resolution is 72.00 pixels/inch, the alpha channel is 8 bit. The only thing that I’m not sure is if the image is 32 bit, but I would think it is.

I have also checked it on a different application; and yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re right. It doesn’t show the transparency in the image.

What other formats do you suggest that I save my textures as?

Are you using Windows? If so, right click your PNG, go to Properties and then Details. That’ll tell you the bit depth.

Targa or bitmap are also capable of storing the alpha channel. There should be an option for your PNGs to keep it, though. It definitely works, it’s my standard format for image data.