Alpha material After-Effect Glitch

I’ve got a problem with mobile URP build:
When any object or camera moves,an effect appears after. Like a trail. PC build doesn’t have such behavior as an editor either.

I use 2 planes with soft particle materials with similar params on picture. They both are used such as height, vertical fog. I also tried different vertical fog with no afair…
Turning these planes off solves the problem,
But, I realy need such fog. Ordinary fog doesn’t realy solve problem (and I also use that, too)

Guess, I missed some kind of setting…
P.S. turning on depth texture isn’t the fix, the issue persists

i’m not sure exactly what’s causing your problem, likely something with draw queue and transparency fighting with eachother.

the problem, to help you search, is a lack of depth clearing on your transparent surfaces. normally, i only see this issue in my own shaders when you try to draw something transparent before the transparent queue. i would try other transparent shaders, unless you need the functionality provided by the particle shader. you may even want to make your own shader if nothing seems to be working.

Main thing that’s strange is difference in mobile and editor (or PC) builds. Glitch appears only on mobile.
But I’ll recheck depth settings, maybe it’ll lead to solution…