Alpha tags and Color Tag with alpha doesn't affect outline/shadows

I’ve been trying to get a typewriter style effect in UI Builder, and trying to work with dynamic sizing of the container box etc - overall UI Builder has been fun to work with, especially as someone with web-dev background, but animating the text has minimal options - adding alpha tags or color tags is one way.

The problem is if you have any outline or shadow applied, these ignore the <alpha=#00> or <color=#FFFFFF00>… while the text will go transparent, the outline and shadow stay at full opacity.

At the moment I feel like this is a bug - i don’t really see a use-case where people inline tags would be used to make only the text semitransparent. Here’s an example:
Screenshot 2025-01-22 104656

I don’t really have a work around for this.

Other ‘animated text’ options I’ve played with is voffset - it sort of works, but because it changes the line height is also causes jittering issues… it’d be nice to have <relative-y=10> or <relative-x=10> to visually move letter positions, but not effect the flow.