Whats up guys, I have a pretty standard chainlink fence texture; just a plane with an alpha map.
The issue I’m experiencing is that the texture is getting very distorted as the camera moves further and further away, eventually to the point where it disappears altogether.
Is there any sort of option I have to “fix” this? I have a pretty good gfx card (Geforce 9600, 512mb) and this issue is still very noticeable.
Can you post some screenshots so we can see the problem?
You can try applying anisotropic filtering to the chain link fence texture. The ‘disappearing’ you’re describing could be the lack of anisotropy and a general blurring when viewing on a higher angle, or could also be due to mip mapping. Try disabling mip mapping on the texture (right click on texture, pick import settings and disable mip maps). See if that changes anything for you. Experiment with those options to see if you get a usable result.