Alpha transparency in windowed mode

I have a few questions and hopefully someone can provide some documentation or search phrases to answer them.

  1. Is it possible to have alpha transparency in windowed mode so that only my model shows up while the desktop behind shows through?

  2. Is it possible for unity to interface into the operating system to say open files, edit files, send button clicks to other open applications, use the OS api (windows api for example) or other native language features of C#?

If question 1 is not possible that is fine as I can work around it, but if question 2 is not possible can anyone suggest a 3d framework that will allow such behavior while still allowing easy coding for model movement? I am trying to create a “desktop buddy” which will interface into voice recognition server and have some AI built in for doing different tasks as a side project.

Any information is greatly appreciated.


  1. It is possible, but you will have to use Windows API to do that, so this will work on Windows only. You can see an example on the Asset Store: Window Tools | Tools | Unity Asset Store

  2. I think the answer to this question is also, yes, but most of those things will not work out of the box. You will have to make use of OS specific APIs (similar to how you make the window transparent in the case from your first question)

Alright thanks for the asset. I am in the process of contacting the developer to see if it does what is needed as per allowing models to show but have transparent backgrounds/window.