Already a virtual axis named xxx registered

So I have a Menu Scene where The player can choose what to do next.
The problem is that in this mEnu Scene I have an EventSystem with several buttons…In case he Player hits the Play Button he switches to the Game Scene and the Game starts!
At this point I get the problem: There is already a virtual axis named Horizontal registered.

On the GameScene I have an EventSystem too where I move the character with a Joystick!

What Can I do to solve this problem??
Thank you

Replace this function with your function of same name.

public void RegisterVirtualAxis(CrossPlatformInputManager.VirtualAxis axis)
// check if we already have an axis with that name and log and error if we do
if (m_VirtualAxes.ContainsKey(
//Debug.LogError(“There is already a virtual axis named " + + " registered.”);

                m_VirtualAxes.Add(, axis);

                if (!axis.matchWithInputManager)
                // add any new axes
                m_VirtualAxes.Add(, axis);

                // if we dont want to match with the input manager setting then revert to always using virtual
                if (!axis.matchWithInputManager)