Already Has a Definition For My Functions

I have loaded up this script and it says that I already have a definition for my two non update or start functions! Please help:

#pragma strict

var Damage = 100;
var MagAmmo = 20;
var CurrentAmmo = 20;
var MaxAmmo = 100;
var Range = int;
var reloadTime = int;

var Ammo : GUIText;

var Gunshot : AudioClip;
var ClipOut : AudioClip;

var Reload : AnimationClip;
var Fire : AnimationClip;
//var LookDownScope : AnimationClip;
//var ReverseLookDownScope : AnimationClip;
//var ScopedFire : AnimationClip;
//var Scoped=false;

//ALL COMMENTED SCRIPT IS FOR WHEN I HAVE FIXED UN-SCOPE AND SCOPE (And When I have finished debugging script as it already is

function Start (){

function Update (){
	var hit : RaycastHit;
	var ray : Ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Vector3(Screen.width*0.5, Screen.height*0.5, 0));
	Debug.DrawRay (transform.position, transform.forward * 100);
	if(CurrentAmmo > 0) {
		if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) {
			Fire ();
	if (Input.GetKeyDown("r")) {
		Reload ();
	if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2")) {
		LookDownScope ();

function Fire() {
	Debug.Log("Gun Fired");
//	if(Scoped == false)
//	{
//	}
//	if(Scoped == true)
//	{
//		animation.Play(;
//	}
	if (Physics.Raycast (ray, hit, 100))
		hit.transform.SendMessage("ApplyDamage", Damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

//function LookDownScope() {
//	if Scoped = false ()(
//		animation.Play(;
//		Scoped = true;
//	}
//	if Scoped = true (){
//		animation.Play(;
//		Scoped = false;

function Reload(){
	yield WaitForSeconds(reloadTime);

function OnGUI (){
	Ammo.text = "Ammo: " + CurrentAmmo + "/" +  MaxAmmo.ToString();

You cannot have a variable of the same name as a function. On line 15, you declare the variable ‘Reload’, but on line 77, you attempt to declare a function with the same name. On line 16, you declare the variable ‘Fire’, and you attempt to use the same name for a function on line 49. The fix is to change either the function names, or the variable names.

Note by convention, variables names start with lower case letters, and function names and class names start with upper case letters. Following this convention will eliminate the problem you have here.