I’m watching the transform of a game object change (and the object moves to reflect the change) every time I alt-click in the scene view window while running my game within Unity. Is this expected behavior? Kind of weirds me out. If I hold alt and click and drag, the camera pans like normal, but the object shifts on release. The object is a rigidbody with sphere collider.
Additional info:
it turns out that the ball was sliding down the slope very, very slowly (as in .01 units per 5 sec), but something about alt-clicking on the scene view window caused the simulation to jump significantly so that the ball would pop a little ways down the slope. Very strange.
Was the game running? Alt-clicking in the scene view pauses the game temporarily, AFAIK.
Yes the game was running- but when left alone the ball was hardly moving. It seemed like alt-clicking was advancing the physics or interrupting it somehow. When I alt click, the pause button doesn’t depress and nothing seems to suspend- in which version does alt clicking pause the game?
I played around with it a little more (this time dropping my ball from the sky) and again, alt clicking in the scene view window of the Unity gui seemed to cause things to jump ahead in the simulation. Doesn’t bother me especially since the end user doesn’t ever interact with the scene view, but I thought it was kind of odd.