Alternative InputActionAsset C# Wrapper

Hey all, I’ve been … wrapping… my head around the new InputSystem!

I’m sharing the alternative C# Wrapper Generator that does some interesting things… The important bits are:

  • Support for PlayerInput / PlayerInputManager (Local Multiplayer)
  • Strongly Typed (not action.ReadValue();
  • In-line accessors similar to the old InputManager (ie: input.Jump.WasPressed)
  • Rebinding a different way, and with serialization to disk via JSON. (Not supported for Console / Android / WebGL, will use PlayerPrefs in the future for this).

Super open to feedback / comments / suggestions! :slight_smile:
(UnityPackage attached)

5729404–600775–Arugula_InputWrapper.unitypackage (8.51 KB)


Great stuff.

When we have another go over the C# generator code, might be we end up stealing some of your ideas :slight_smile:

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Thanks :slight_smile: And get it done! :smile: Good luck getting to 1.0!