I am currently trying to create a triplanar shader within shader forge. I am very familiar with the concept and managed to create a very advanced tessellation triplanar shader, however…I am stil not satisfied with the problem angles. In my terrain I have some mountains that are moving along the XZ axis, rather then facing X or Z axe alone. Thus resulting in a long mountain that comes with a too much distorted displacement.
Has anyone experience with creating more advanced triplanar shaders?
I am also considering doing triplanar based upon rotated UVs and mask the one with the other.
Or did one figure out how to wrap a X projected planar in the corners? Instead of crossfading X Z planes with each other.
Triplanar is popular because it’s relatively cheap to calculate. Doing triplanar rotated 45 degrees isn’t that hard either, but is just moving the issue.
Most triplanar techniques just take the world normal vector and adjust the curve for either harder or softer transitions. If your problem is those 45 degree angles obviously these options aren’t going to help much.
One technique that might get decent results for your needs is doing a more advanced blending using texture height maps. I believe this is part of what RTP does.
You could also try doing a 22 degree rotation, or attempt more horizontal directions.
thnx for the reply!
I know RTP and using it quit a lot, however it doesn’t really support triplanar with tessellation. Back to the question. It looks like I have to add another layer with 45 degree masks, because that indeed is the problem. The height map blending feature is also already something I am doing.
The problem really is that the textures are projected along one axis, where the tessellation also needs to displace through one axis, while I rather would like to see to have the displacement bend across the mountains. That would require some kind of bending planar projection.
Hope this makes senses…