Am i being super thick with a New Year Hangover ? Win UWP Package upload errors

I am slowly going out of my mind, Last time I uploaded to Windows Store was well over 2 years ago. Today I am trying to upload a Package to the store but getting :

Package acceptance validation error: Apps are not allowed to have a Version with a revision number other than zero specified in the app manifest. The package CarBoosh_0.0.0.2_x86_x64_Master.appxbundle specifies

Unity 2018.3.0f2 - UWP with D3D Targeting Desktop & Xbox One
Visual Studio 2017 Community V 15.9.4

the above numbers are after many attempts - App Certification passes OK Unity version numbers are the same as the appbundle too.

Microsoft helpfully have a page to say why and it’s changing but err I don’t get it ? any pointers for this Hung over fool

YES I was being super thick here, Certificate needed signing in Packaging.

Carry on

You need to delete everything in the Microsoft solution folder generated by Unity. Then, change your version number to zero, create a new test certificate, and then build again. Once you open up the sln file, you will now see that your version number is 0.