Am I braking the Rules? Just a Q for the Community.

I was thinking last night about some news I head over the INTERNET, I realized something that I thought I might ask my peeps about seeing it may be something to consider…

Should we have a Local NEWS chancel in every form, so that when there is relatively important information to be shared that it is shared openly and in as many outlets as possible.

I thought this after realizing that at times I can be so concentrated on my game development and scripting that I some times forget about some of the things we should be aware of. I don’t think it would be prudent to share conspiracy or gossip, but more News headlines and links of events that effect us all, such as fukushima Japan, and similar events happening around the globe today, many of witch are not mentioned often or at all on the main stream media outlets.

I personal rather not know of these things but we must and that is why I am posting this question to this community.

The question is simple, Should there be a NEWS or HEAD LINE channel on every forum or social website that allows its users to submit News headlines and links of Currently Relevant news events.

What is Relevant may be the real question, for me the relevance is common knowledge and the opportunity to increase our social awareness with not only all of the INTERNET but members of our common interest community such as This and many more.

It would be Amazing to see a community like this have a channel regarding life and society not only Code and Game. I say this because the people who do take part in this community are naturally intuitive, creative, and whom clearly display the ability to think and understand logically. I believe its people like this, and you who can make a valuable contribution to the overall discussion of what “is” today as this must be as if not more important then our game development and scripting head aches.

I wonder thought, would such a think cause some kind of disruption, would it cause some unforeseen issue? I am not sure of this answer so for now I can only say, “I am unsure”, but I leave the question to be answered by any how care to consider such a think, and to express any comments concerning the idea as a whole, as it is just that an idea.

Q: Should all Social web sites and forums offer a open chancel for NEWS events and HEAD LINES?

The questions is asked in efforts to increase our Global, Social and Local Community’s awareness for the betterment of common knowledge. Should we as a society utilize a social network to enlighten as well as educate our selves to the best of our ability regarding not only the things we bare most interest but in the things we dare not, some times like the things that is actually happening out side our windows and aside from the apples.

Just to end, this is the first and last time I would post such a thing, but I felt I wanted to ask this community as I mentioned before, I believe the majority of the members and guests here have the capacity to think logically, I also apologize that it is not related at all to the actual function of this community other then Relativity to our reality life and living.

Yes, sorry, you’re breaking the rules. Specifically, this forum category is for scripting only. More generally, this forum is for Unity development only. There are many sites you can get local news from.


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