Am I handling RPCs right?

Ok, so in a system I’m working on, a player sends a rpc to the server with some info. The server then selects only the players that need the info and sends a rpc to each of them with the info. So it becomes apparent that certain rpcs will only be used on the client and some will only be used the server end. But if I only include the server rpcs only on the server when the client tries to send the rpc to the server instead of sending it it gives an error. It seems that the rpc has to exist on the client despite it having code only the server would ever use. The only way around this i’ve found is to make a empty rpc on the client side. Is it okay to leave these “ghost” rpcs or am i missing something or using rpcs stupidly… or

If you need clarification on the above let me know… I think it’s a little hard to read, but I don’t know how to make it clearer.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Yes, the client must have the definition details of the RPC function before it can invoke it, even if it is never a receiver for the RPC. It’s perfectly save to define the RPC function on the client side as an empty function, it just needs to be identical to the server definition.