Am i ripping off prototype?

Hey guys.
i made a game called brian adventure(divided into 2 parts)
and the character has the ability to obsorb object and make them into the hand that he grabbed it with.
am i ripping off prototype?

If you have to ask, then yes. If you have managed to derive the similarity, others will too.

No, Prototype ripped off Hulk Ultimate Destruction, but they were made by the same devs. Like rab236 said, others will noticed the similarities, but if, imo, if that’s the only similarity, make your game.

You can’t ripoff your own work.

I think rab’s point was that, if you’re asking yourself that question, then you already have your answer, because it was clearly on your mind (if not your intention) when you came up with it.

That being said; who cares. There are countless games out there that are ripoffs, yet people love them. Angry Birds, Minecraft, Super Meatboy, etc.

If its fun, make it (just don’t steal or blatantly copy).

It’s the same way that Portal was derived from the devs’ original game, Narbacular Drop.

Exactly. That’s a much better way of putting it.

If that’s all that’s required for a game to be considered a “ripoff” then every game ever that could be put into a style category (FPS, RTS, etc.) is a “ripoff” by definition.

More like your ripping off Kirby

Core gameplay elements are different that the overall style. Portal is an FPS, but it is different that other FPS games. If you were to have another game where you shoot two connected portals to solve puzzles, that would be considered a ripoff of Portal. Not because of the fact that it’s an FPS, but due to the fact that it uses the same main gameplay mechanics.

Ripping off a game is seen in heaps of places, but the mechanic can be modified and executed in so many ways afterwards, it’s all dependant on the genre too, like Prototype uses their consume ability for stealth and upgrading his “abilities”. I wouldn’t say its a ripoff until you get the games side by side and the feeling is exactly the same like the same feedback of the consume or the same visual style of it etc

If you have to ask then yes.

Zynga make billions off ripping off other people’s work so…