I have two scenes.
Both are empty at the start, with only a camera and some invisible (renderer disabled or not present) objects.
Both have exactly the same Lighting settings.
In both scenes, I have scripts that load the same geometry and lights from prefabs. (Too many scripts to post here.)
But in one scene, the ambient light works, and in the other it doesn’t. Turning off the directional lights in Scene A shows the ambient light; turning off the same lights in Scene B shows a black screen.
Edit: I figured out that instantiating the prefabs in Awake() blows up the ambient light; instantiating them in Start() does not.
This makes NO. F*CKING. SENSE. If anything, I would expect it to be the other way around.
Can I get an answer on exactly why this is the case, and why it doesn’t seem to be documented?