America loves litigation

The developer of everyone’s favorite app, iFart, is involved in litigation to determine who is the best flatulent around.

iFart goes to court!

The court documents, linked in the article, are an amazing read.

Ha, nice. iBeer and iPint went at it a few months ago, too.

This qualifies as a WTF moment :smile:

That’s funny.

However I doubt those court documents were as interesting as this batch. The very thought of a lawyer typing a document in which he attempts to explain to a judge the history of “pull my finger” just has to make one laugh.

I doubt this will ever get to court, but if it does I sure want to read the transcript. I’ll have to send an email to CourtTV and urge that they cover it live on TV.

HAHA… this is an interesting read.
I wonder what the atmosphere was when the parties were asked to demonstrate their apps in court. :slight_smile:

Lol. This is definitely one of those moments where it is a [quote=“”]
WTF moment :slight_smile: