AML - Asset Markup Language Expirement

I may not be the finest or even a talented computer person, but I did come up with this idea of a markup language that is HTML or XML-ish. The basis of it is to create a somewhat human readable format that can be used for unity assets. However, I’m not sure if the idea already exists.

Small Example of AML:


The sample basically assigns one Vector3 to the vertices array of a mesh.

Understand that its still a WIP for me and that it may not be that practical to use.

If you’re interested in that type thing go take a look at the FBX specs from Autodesk. It’s the standard exchange format for meshes. The Blender project is a free 3D modeler project that has a way to utilize what you’ve learn of that format to contribute to Blender (and indirectly to Unity and UE4). Me, my eyes cross at reading too much of that.