Ampersand symbol not supported by UI Builder 0.10.0

When saving an uxml file designed with UI builder that has an ampersand symbol in it, I get this error when trying to save it. I don’t have this issue when I remove the symbol.

I have reason to believe the ‘&’ symbol is causing this issue since simply removing it fixes the issue. Is the ampersand symbol ‘&’ causing these issues? I’m on version 0.10.0 of the UI builder package on Unity 2019.3.


you might be able to use &

The & is saved to uxml as & and not as & as it should be. You can replace that in the uxml and it will work again. But when loading the fixed uxml with ui builder and saving it again, the & will again be overwritten by &.

I wrote a bug report for this but dont have the case number atm.

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I go the bug report. :slight_smile: Should be fixed in the next version of the Builder.