An ad how often is ready?

My question is that how often it will show ads?
I made a program with unity ads and there is a button what becaomes visible when advertisement.isReady() == true. How often will be visible? :smile:

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Unity Ads will return true for Advertisement.isReady() as long as the following conditions are all met:

  • Unity Ads is Initialized
  • Ads are available for the zone specified (or default zone when not specified)
  • An ad is not shown twice in the same hour
  • Less than the daily limit of 25 ads have been shown

Unity Ads does take a few seconds to initialize, though. It also takes a few seconds to refresh the list of available ads after exhausting its existing list. And keep in mind, a country’s advertising inventory will also affect availability.

Basically, as long as ads are available, you should be able to show them as often as you like.


I have made a successful integration on my game, it runs fine in the editor, so I made a build for Android, with unchekin the debug build in build setting and chkecking the ‘disable test mode’ in the script.
During my testing, several minutes passed and the Advertisement.isReady() never returned true, at least after playing for 3 minutes. So, does this means that Ads are not available for the specified zone? (does zone is the same as placement)?


That’s correct. At least for you.

The availability of ads is also partially based on geographical location. Some countries have more fill than others. As a developer, it can be easy in some cases to burn through the available supply of ads.

If you enable Development Build and enable all debug levels on the helper script, but leave test mode disabled, you should see ad request data with an array of available ads as a response from the ads server. If the arrays for your target zone are empty, there are no more available ads for that day. With test mode enabled, you’ll see an array of 3 test ads available for video zones.



Sorry for getting in that thread, but i have one question that is pretty familiar to the discussion.

1: Do we have to (somehow) reload / re-initialise ads, after one ad is watched, or we just have to keep checking for isReady()?

2: Do we actually have to type ‘false’ in the initialisation, or we can just enter the ID of the game?

thanks :slight_smile:

Hello instruct9r ,

You can initialize unity ads framework once, its means you launch the game and initialize the network, than you cant initialize it again. So you should check with isReady(). Dont worry, Unity Ads Network handles isready.
I think its a good practice to initialise ad network if there is a internet connection, i didnt test it yet but it feels so.

Second question is about your script. If you input “false” to your initialization function, you tell the network that you are not using “test ads”. If you input “true” you are using “test ads”. Its a good practice to use Test Ads when developing the game. You will see a fullscreen ad in editor and a video ad if you test on a device.

Advertisement.Initialize ("GameID",false);
// test ads off
Advertisement.Initialize ("GameID",true);
// test ads on

There is sample codes in this thread, this sample codes covers all best practices,
and a simple integration video here.



Hi Salazar .
Many thanks for the info.
The second question i asked, because at first i used (true), for initialization, but the ads did NOT started, when i call them with a button. After that i have removed the second argument (So just the gameID) and the ads are getting called and playing just fine.
So i guess i will just leave it as it is, with just the GameID and nothing else.


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Hello again,

If you use it with just GameID, you are using live ads.(default value of test ads is false) Using live ads may not helpfull when developing a new game. Because live ads are limited. It cant fill all day. On the other hand Test Ads fill limitless.



Thanks. Honestly i just needed to see them few times. I added them at the end stage of the game dev process.
So i’ll just leave it as it is, since the game is ready for publishing…

Thanks for the help…

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Hi Nikkolai, I was satisfied with you response, however, I have been distributing my app for some testers and none of them is seeing ads can you please elaborate on how to “see ad request data with an array of available ads as a response from the ads server. If the arrays for your target zone are empty, there are no more available ads for that day.”


So, what is the strategy to limits rewarded ads? Ads are available frequently for some players from country A, however, only 1 or 2 ads available for some players from country B. How can I strike a balance for those two players? In may case, when I test my application with test ads, they are always available to me. When it comes to live ads, I see only one in a day if I am lucky.

Just to clarify Nikkolai’s points so that there are no confusion:

Number 3: is handled by our servers, so YOU can show as many ads in an hour as you like. We make certain that the same ad is not shown too often to the same user. (And it is a bit more compilicated than simple 1-hour rule)

Number 4: The daily limit of 25 ads is in fact incorrect. We don’t have a daily limit of 25 ads. We will give as many ads per user per day as we can (Terms and conditions apply, there is quite a bit background processing behind this).



Separate answer on how many ads are available on different countries:

The number of live-ads available on different countries varies (this is what is called “fill-rate”). So it normal for you to see a different number of ads in different countries. In “low-fill countries” it is a good idea to use test-mode during testing.

There are multiple options how you can configure test ads :

1. Client side
You can use the source-option, where you build your game with

Advertisement.Initialize ("GameID",true);

Remember to turn this off, when you are pushing your game to App store or Google play.

2. Server side setting:
On the admin we have a new feature for configuring the test-mode in server-side. Go to Games → Monetisation settings → Advanced settings → Ad test mode:



I already use test ads. There is no problem with it. The problem will appear when I publish my game which is very soon. what kind of method should I follow to restric rewarded ads so that all people from all countries watch close amount of ads. To be clear, think that I have a counter and whenever this counter reaches zero, I give a video button to the user. For an American guy, this button will appear every time counter reach zero but for an Turkish guy it is already rarely available and plus I restrict even more buy putting a counter. @Salazar @unity-nikkolai

Hello simsis3d,

I solve this problem with implemanting other ad networks to fill it, actually I dont know how to use “mediation” for ad networks. Mediation is your keyword.


Hi, i am new using Unity Ads. I am developing and add for Android. Should I limit the views per user per day in some way?

It depends on how you want to use them. The most successful games in terms of eCPM tend to show 5 ads or less to each user per day.

Users are limited to 25 ads per day per app. They are also limited to seeing the same ad only once per hour. Please keep in mind that the availability of ads is not guaranteed. This is why we provide methods to first check if ads are ready and can be shown.

For most of Europe and North America, this typically isn’t an issue. In countries where fill may be limited, the effects of this can be more obvious. For instance, if there are only 12 ad campaigns available in a user’s country, they will only be able to see up to 12 ad campaigns per hour.

In any case, if the user exhausts their daily limit of 25 ads, they won’t see any more ads until the next day. This is a rolling 24hr limit for each of the 25 available ads.

During development, it’s recommended that you enable test mode to ensure you will always have test ads available.

So I see a discrepancy about ads being throttled per user per day. Nikkolai says limit Heikki says no limit.
Please clarify what is the actuality?


Also confused by the contradicting comments on the 25 ad per day limit. What does this actually mean? That a user only gets 25 ads per user per app per day and that on the 26th request nothing is filled? Or that they can only get 25 distinct ads and on the 26th it will recycle?

Does this mean a “view an ad to unlock a character” model is impossible with Unity Ads because the ads will stop?

If you try to show an ad when they’re not ready, will it still send ShowResult.Failed/Finished/Skipped for the resultCallback?