Okay, so as you know I’m a toxic forum troll who makes ridiculous pseudo sage threads that nobody likes (and yet still reads) but I think I might actually have something of value to the community to say. No, this is valuable to the world. All of humanity can benefit. Put down your guns. Put down your sawed off shotguns. Put down your flame throwers. Don’t post that rick roll GIF. Just listen.
How about instead of quitting game development because you’re lazy or maybe you suck, or you suck and you’re lazy… why don’t you make a compromise in your life. I’m doing this myself and since I’m a completely pathetic whiny loser (it’s all your fault mom) that means that anybody who can go the whole day without wetting their pants can do it, too. So, here’s my proposal… Frog’s alternative…
What if, instead of everybody going crazy and working their butt’s off, only to end up posting yet another “burn out” thread or vice-versa, drifting through the land of wind and ghosts while watching Markiplier play HuniePop or playing your 15,000th game of LoL/Hearthstone/Minesweeper or whatever the heck it is you do with your time when you’re running away from your destiny like Strider ran away from the Narsil until he needed a CG pirate ghost army to perform a Deus Ex Uruk-hai… what if, instead of all of that…
Every night… you complete one thing.
Just enough to keep your game developer street cred. Because, if you don’t develop games, you’re really not a game developer, let’s be honest. Most people don’t need to quit game development because they’re already in a state of perpetual quittery, as in… okay, let’s analyze the situation here. If you had quit game development, would your schedule be any different than it is now? If the answer is no or not really, then you, sir or madame, have essentially already quit.
Just one thing. One feature. One mechanic. Something. I’m not talking about a fully polished ZOMGWTFPANCAKE sock rocking gold master sword finished product… I’m talking, just finish one menu. Put in an enemy. He doesn’t have to have all of his abilities, just the basics.
If you make progress toward your goal, it’s like chipping away at the wall in The Shawshank Redemption. Sooner or later, you’re going to crawl out through that hole and into a sewer pipe. And then after that sewer pipe is catharsis.
(or don’t, see if I care…)