An alternative to "SphereCast"?


I was trying to make something(an attack actually), that is a sphere that scales outwards and destroys everything it touches. Essentially meant to destroy everything in the scene but in an accumulative fashion, not instantaneous. I have a sphere mesh that scales as I want, but I still need a way to destroy objects outwards(even if it doesn’t strictly coincide with what the expanding sphere mesh is passing through).

SphereCast seemed like an answer to this - that is until I noticed it wasn’t what I thought it was. I could probably get by using multiple “SphereCasts” as this is a rough project meant to be completed within the week, but I was wondering does anyone have any good alternatives, that can achieve this?

Oh and I’d much prefer if whatever answer you may have, works with C#.

SphereCast is not what you think. Its a fat raycast not a Sphere around the point.

For that you need OverlapSphere.

You will need to cast it multiple times at your chosen interval, increasing radius each time.

Cast it twice at different radii and take one array from the other to achieve a hollow sphere.