An assortment of problems in an Open-Sourced Project

I’ve recently moved this project to Unity 6 Preview and Entities 1.2.1, and I have been facing a lot of difficulties with Burst. GitHub - Dreaming381/lsss-wip: Latios Space Shooter Sample - an open Unity DOTS Project using the Latios Framework

  • Making a Windows desktop release build, and then making a development build in the same location (overwriting) causes function pointer compilation exceptions at runtime. The function pointer belongs to a generated ISystem OnUpdate() method that Unity seems to be generating via source gen. This is resolved by making a clean build.
  • Making a clean development build results in Burst not running whatsoever, even though Burst compiles everything while building.
  • I encountered at one point in a release build a total freeze. I’ve never seen that before in this project.
  • I can get a crash to occur when adding a tag component to the UniversalQuery inside Burst. It is this line: and it happens when losing a mission.
  • Upgrading to a newer Burst version results in compilation errors for this project.

If you need any additional information, let me know!