An error at unity4.5

An error has occurred when I export to VS,how about this?I am 4.34 on normal I just want to repair the touch keyboard!
if i run this program in unity it’s normal but i export to VS will has some error.


could you check whether this file exists? The error means that it fails to load that DLL for some reason.


1644976--102219--$(`}UB(1$YBP@(ZCKI@KZG6Y.jpgI have D3Dcompiler_47-x64, whether this problem?

Reinstall the software?

Yes, that’s definitely a problem. Did you try reinstalling Unity? I’ve just downloaded Unity installer from our website and confirmed that after installation, that DLL is indeed in that directory.

Thank you for your help, I really solved the problem after reshipment, I want to repair the keyboard pops up, but I found that it can only work by GUI.TextField. But i used NGUI so i can’t fix this problem. Why not add a platform support by TouchScreenKeyboard?