An error occurred while resolving packager: Package ha...

This started when I tried to load Unity.
8423061--1114644--Error 9-7-2022.png
Unity just started doing this. I have no idea what it’s asking me to do. So I turned to this forum hoping someone here would know…

You have multiple issues in this thread. Where did you get this project? For the first post, as message states, you can directly edit the manifest.json file and remove all Analytics references. Make a project backup first, quit Unity, edit the file, then relaunch Unity. If you need those packages, then install them from Package Manager at that point. For the second, did you try to install the Facebook SDK? Was it working before you did so?

Ummm… I’m kind of lost. I’ve tried and I can’t figure out anything. It would be awesome if I could get one of you there to actually take my hand and walk me through this.

Happy to help. Let’s take it one question at a time. Where did you get this project?