An error ocurred within the Unity API: Could not find file

i have var ObjetoImg which is the object of the image

var ObjetoImg = UnityApp.Core.GetDocumentByID(Img_Long);

then i have variable

var IMG = UnityApp.Core.Retrieval.Image.GetDocument(ObjetoImg.DefaultRenditionOfLatestRevision);

it explodes and gives me error

An error occurred within the Unity API: Could not find file ‘C:\Windows\TEMP\831b6a6d-d2a8-491b-b93b-a71c1ce901dc.tmp’.

I need this to change an image.

Why am i getting this error? is it because its pointing to the wrong direction in my temp or is it because its not finding the image ? i opened up the Onbase Configurator and the image is there, and the path on table Onbase.hsi.itemtypedata and it is the same.

Any help why this is happening ??

Any help with this issue ??
