An Issue About Axis composite type

Hi guys!
I’m not sure if this really is an issue or I was just dumb enough that cannot find the solution.
I found that ReadValue<>() only return discrete results.

Here is my setup.

The composite type is 1D Axis and it has its min and max.

I named a float variable call horizontalInput and used ReadValue<float>() to get value.
inputControler.Core.Movement.performed += ctx => horizontalInput = ctx.ReadValue<float>();

Then I logged the value of horizontalInput and this is what console showed:

You can see there is no other middle float values(like 0.256, 0.488, 0.892 whatever) between min and max.

So the problem here in brief description:
How can I use the new InputSystem to achieve what old Input.GetAxis(string) can do?

Did I miss some settings or toggles that can achieve this?
I wonder if anyone met the same issue as me. If this was a noob question and already got a solution, could you share a link with me?

Thank you very much!

This is a shortcoming in AxisComposite that’s annoyed me, too. It’s on the list to add a toggle for this. Maybe I should just slide this into 1.0. The default really should have been to let the original values through.

Vector2Composite has a similar problem and the plan is to add a toggle there, too.

ATM, with what’s there as of 1.0.0-preview.2, the only solution is to essentially add a custom version of AxisComposite that does this.

It’s okay. Looks like I gotta spend more time on figuring out how to customize and achieve this.
Thanks for the answer!