At this time I have no intentions of creating a full MMA/UFC game. It would take far too much work. I did throw together a small sample scene though and I wanted to get some feedback on the screenshot. This screenshot is directly from Unity!

You know that if you were to do that, you’d be getting into licensing troubles. :wink:

I’m a coder so I can’t really comment on the visuals except for my impression that the skin looks more like rubber/plastic. Light reflections’ a bit too strong. A subsurface scattering shader could greatly increase the realism of skin rendering.

Ok, so you create a post for something you (and i quote) “have no intentions of doing”, as its “too much work”, and have basicly shown us much of nothing, as i could create something far better than that SS in no time at all.

As CodeSmile has pointed out, this shows your inexperience with Unity and game development. So i lack to understand why you would want feedback on something you have “no intentions of doing”?.