Thought I’d post this here in case anyone needs something similar.
I needed a shake cam for a cutscene I’m working on. I was originally using a Razer Hydra to move the camera around in Unity to record a cutscene, which worked pretty well. This is simply parenting the camera to the Hydra hand (disabling geometry), and writing a few scripts to handle zooming and other camera functionality.
Here’s Mark I:
However, I get slightly better results (not yet uploaded) by doing the following:
- Go to Android settings, change to landscape (while keeping the selected platform as Standalone!)
- Enable Unity remote in Editor Settings
- Attach my Note4 via USB
- Attach my Razer Hydra controller to my mobile phone (using my girlfriend’s hair ties!)
- Open Unity Remote and hit play in the editor.
This is what the bodged-together shake cam looks like… I’d normally hold both the left and right side, and use the buttons on the Hydra:
This allows the Note 4 screen to be used as an actual viewport into the game world - with accurate rotational - and most critically - positionally tracked too!
The buttons on the Hydra controller can also be assigned to other camera and cutscene controls - field of view, focus (DoF), starting/stopping the cutscene, etc.
I’m pretty pleased with the result, and using a Note4 with the Hydra attached gives a more natural feel to the movement. It’s as if you’re actually holding a camera and moving around inside the game world.
Next up:
- Record the movement, and save it to be reused.
- Stick the code on GitHub.
- Impatiently wait for my Sixense STEM to arrive so I can get it working with that.
- Possibly 3D print an attachment for the STEM modules to connect it to my phone.
- Buy a longer USB cable for Unity remote to run on my phone.