Analyze rules ignore groups' 'included in build' status

At the moment the rules in the Analyze window don’t seem to acknowledge if the groups are marked as ‘included in build’ or not.
This would be very beneficial, especially with the ‘Bundle Layout Preview’ rule, to get an accurate representation of the bundles’ content when different combinations of addressables groups are used.
A typical use case where this is critical is when building a demo of a game - one wants to be extra sure that certain assets are not included, and just removing the group containing the assets does not guarantee that the assets will be excluded (they might be a depencency of another asset, thus included with it), so one needs to be able to inspect the final contents of the groups.
Or if supporting this is an easy tweak to the existing rules and anyone can point me to the exact changes that need to be made (I don’t know the internals of the Addressables codebase) I would be quite grateful too.

Thanks for your time!


I’ll flag for the team!

Thank you @Alunze
You are correct we should not be including groups in the rules that are set to not be included, this could give bad information to analyze. We will aim to fix this in an upcoming release.